
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
A Look Forward with Futurist David Houle
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
David Houle, futurist, author and keynote speaker, drops by again to discuss the most disruptive decade in our lifetimes; the 2020s. This decade will see a transformational shift in technology, the environment, politics, and just about everything that impacts our lives. David is currently writing a series of books that speaks directly to the events in this decade, including:
- The phenomena of cognitive dissonance
- The need to unlearn, learn and relearn
- The acceleration, collapse and rebound of society
- Finding opportunities and success in a world where the only thing that doesn't change is change itself.
Spend a fascinating hour with someone who's successfully predicted and succeeded in a world whose only motto seems to be "evolve or die."
Visit David Houle's website, or his site dedicated to the 2020s.

Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Lee Drutman
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
We're on a bit of a break here at the Alliance Party After Dark, so we thought it would be interesting to revisit a podcast originally released on March 22 of 2020, where we talked with Lee Drutman, political scientist and author of the book "Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop: The Case for Multiparty Democracy in America." Though the podcast is well over a year old, the topic of the Duopoly and how it's tearing apart America, is as relevant as ever.
Note that Lee Drutman recently published an article in the New York Times, which includes a real-time questionnaire that analyzes your answers and places you onto a political map. It can help you identify which of the six political parties most closely aligns with your views.
The article can be found at https://nyti.ms/2VBOFgx

Sunday Sep 05, 2021
A Conversation with Theodore Theopolis, Ohio State Chair
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
In our first on-the-spot interview, Theodore Theopolis, the Alliance Party's Ohio State Chair, drops by to talk about politics in Ohio. Theodore describes the current redistricting efforts in Ohio, which consists of a fairly convoluted set of rules that are designed to make the drawing of political district lines "less unfair." We then move on to the biggest scandal currently unfolding in Ohio, which has, so far, resulted in arrests, indictments and ongoing FBI investigations of several politicians in a political "pay-for-play" scheme, where $60 million in campaign funds were used to influence the creation of a bill that would benefit an energy company to the tune of $1.3 billion. We wrap up by talking about the Alliance Party's efforts to insert themselves into the political process going into the 2022 elections.

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Climate Change Discussion with Chelsea Tobin
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Chelsea Tobin, Staff Director for the Texas Campaign for the Environment (TCE) drops by to discuss climate change and other environmental issues, with an emphasis on the Great State of Texas.
What does climate change really mean? How is it going to affect our lives? And most importantly, what can we - each of us - do about it?
Chelsea worked in environmental offices across the nation, including New Jersey, Pittsburgh, New York and Denver. In September 2020, she took over the role of Staff Director in the Austin, Texas TCE office.
TCE’s mission is to engage people and communities through face-to-face public education, grassroots organizing and action-oriented research for a cleaner and healthier Texas. They work on polluter accountability and enforcing regulation for bad actors in the industry, among many other fights!

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Jim Rex on Education and the Afghan War
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
On our 100th episode, we talk with Jim Rex, the Alliance Party’s National Chair Emeritus. Jim was our first guest on episode 1 back in early October 2019, and so much has happened since that time that it’s difficult to catch up. So we focus on just a couple topics during this podcast: education and the end of the War in Afghanistan.

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Women in the Military
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Patricia Olivares drops by to talk about the unique issues and challenges that women in the military face every day. A veteran of the USMC, Patricia is a progressive political operative working on behalf of veterans - particularly women veterans - as well as the residents of Harris County, Texas.
During this podcast, we discuss the incredible pressure on women in the military to perform above and beyond expectations in order to overcome sexist attitudes; pressure that nearly killed Patricia. There is also the issue of MST - Military Sexual Trauma - which women deal with every day while on active duty; it not only interferes with their job, but it can be harmful, or even fatal, if not promptly addressed.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
And More Current Events with Greg And Dan
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Join Greg and Dan as they get together again this week to discuss current events. This time around, we focus on the privatization of education, the recent Republican shift toward pro-vaccination and global warming. We keep it light, informative and fun!
Join us for these topics and more, regarding the state of politics on August 8, 2021.

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
More Current Events with Greg and Dan
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Join Greg and Dan as they discuss current events. We initially focus on the January 6 Commission, but then we move on to other topics, like Covid and the Olympics. Why is there so much misinformation about Covid, and how can we embrace the vaccine as both a cure and something to be avoided at the same time? Regarding the Olympics, should our athletes be required to act as patriots even though they may not feel it in their hearts?
Join us for these topics and more, regarding the state of politics on August 1, 2021.

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Pure Justice
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Meet RoShawn Evans, co-founder of an organization known as Pure Justice. Mr. Evans helped spark the idea of creating Pure Justice based on his own experience, after being falsely accused of a crime and sent to prison.
RoShawn wrote two books about his experience: Stolen Identity and The Domino Effect. The book Stolen Identity explores how African American males who become victims of the school-to-prison pipeline even when they have not committed a crime, are faced with a continued stigma that leads to recidivism for rightfully and wrongfully convicted felons. The book also explores how such a stigma leads to an overall deterioration of human dignity due to laws that foster a continuation of societal punishment well beyond prison.
Roshawn currently serves as the Organizing Director, Inmate Liaison, and Community Outreach Coordinator for Pure Justice. When he’s not engaged in community activism in the fight against criminal and social injustices, he conducts research for his pending books as he studies to complete his Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Political Science. He intends to go on to law school.

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Current Events with Greg and Dan
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Greg and Dan discuss recent events in politics and how it relates to the Alliance Party. Covid, senate filibusters, packing the Supreme Court - everything is on the table. We even devote a few minutes to discussing the Walking Dead, Stephen King and a couple corny jokes thrown in for good measure. Join us for an interesting and thought-provoking discussion about the state of politics as of July 18, 2021.